We offer 99.9% accurate gender confirmation from 16 weeks. Our well-being scan detects fetal abnormalities, baby/placenta position and also checks heartbeat. We have one of the most affordable rates in Reading with packages starting from 55 Euros. See high-quality images and videos of your child with 4D scans starting from 24th week of pregnancy.

You can visit our website at: https://windowtothewomb.co.uk/

Or, you can find a clinic near you at: https://windowtothewomb.co.uk/find-a-clinic/

Or, you can book a scan at: https://windowtothewomb.co.uk/book-a-private-baby-scan/

Or, visit us at our address: National House, 80-82 Wellington Road North, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1HW