I have available from this bedding 1gril and 2 boy.

Both parents are our property and will be available to see when watching our special children. The father is fully registered GCCF, checked for health and clear of all diseases that are common in poorly bred Ragdolls, but not only that he is a perfect example of Ragdoll in conformity and temperament. The mother is just beautiful with the most wonderful loving temperament, she is a wonderful mother who raises well-adjusted kittens. It is also fully registered GCCF and health examined and, like all our queens, is only the best.

When they buy a kitten, they leave us:Completely verified veterinarianFirst vaccinationMicrochipWormed every two weeks after birthFlead at eight weeksFully trained for garbageScratch post trainedCompletely socialized

With over ten years of experience in raising quality Ragdolls, we are the place to buy your new addition for your family.

Due to the unprecedented times we are in, social distance views can be arranged, which are safe for everyone. Alternatively, we can watch videos to choose your special kitten. Once you choose your kitten, we’ll send you a weekly update of your photos and videos until the day you collect them. Please call or text for more details about these amazing babies.