At Anatomise Biostats we use clinical data sources and publish research meta-analysis to produce predictions and statistically model outcomes while controlling for relevant parameters. These models can incorporate machine learning algorithms to increase accuracy beyond what a medical practitioner can intuit.

Some examples of how we can assist your case:

We can meta-analyse existing medical literature to produce statistical estimates as to the likelihood of particular outcomes occurring given a particular circumstance. Using existing clinical data bases we can produce detailed statistical models that predict: The likelihood of a particular outcome occurring due to a particular circumstance, or range of circumstances over time. These circumstances may include delayed, missed or misdiagnosis, injury or misadventure due to medical treatment, the level of suffering, complications or incapacity that can be expected to occur as a result of a particular medical incident.

Medical incidents might include surgical misadventure, delayed, missed or mis-diagnosis and many others.

The following is an example of why a bio-statistical expert witness is a valuable asset to your medical malpractice, insurance, criminal or forensic case:

Recent research has shown that when a machine learning algorithm was fed Electrocardiogram (EEG) data from patients that doctors deemed perfectly healthy, the algorithm was able to predict death within one year due to cardiac problems with .85 accuracy, where .50 indicates chance. Again, this is from a patient sample that doctors had deemed completely healthy. When doctors reviewed the EEG readings of dead patients post prediction, they were not able to identify patterns indicating as to why the patient had died. This shows the power of mathematics to predict outcomes and the superior accuracy of current methods compared to medical opinion alone.


Get in touch with Anatomise Biostats today to discuss how we can enhance your case in new and innovative ways.