If you would like more information Please text us at 07451230608Our beautiful family pet Belle has had her first litter of 8 stunning puppies 6 girls and 2 boys. They were all born healthy on 1st August and will be ready for their forever homes on 22th December.Their father is a healthy Bichon. The puppies will be raised in our family home until they are ready to leave for their forever homes and will be use to household noises and will be will around children and will be well socialised. Toilet training on puppy pads will be started when age appropriate.They will leave:Vet health checkedFirst vaccinationMicrochippedFlead and wormed up to dateThey are full bichons and are non moulting so ideal family pets for allergy sufferers. We will send weekly pictures and videos so you can keep up to date on their progress. For any further information and to secure a pup please contact us.If you would like more information Please text us at 07451230608
Bishon frise puppies
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