In the heart of the city, the Clifton Cocktail Club stands as a bastion of the cocktail culture, a place where the spirit of the speakeasy has been reborn and reimagined for the modern epicure. The club’s mixologists are like the composers of a great orchestra, each cocktail a symphony of flavours waiting to be conducted. The atmosphere is one of understated luxury, a hushed sanctuary where the clink of ice and the whisper of spirits are the only accompaniment needed. The selection of wines, beers, and ciders is a veritable atlas of taste, each entry a destination in its own right. The Clifton Cocktail Club is a place where the past and present collide in a dance of taste and sophistication, where every visit is a note in the grand opus of the night.


Address : Basement, 135 Whiteladies Rd, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2PL