Our beautiful 3 year old Lola has given birth to her first litter of 13 beautiful blue Great Dane puppies. 7 gorgeous girls and 6 handsome boys were born on 23th of Jul 2020 so will be ready to leave to their forever homes at the beginning of Oct. Puppies are looking healthy, chunky and beautifully coated. Both mother and father are blue, KC registered with fantastic generation history. They were perfectly matched which resulted in this healthy, stunning litter. Puppies will be very well looked after and raised in a home with children. Each of them will be vet checked, microchipped, wormed, have the first lot of vaccination, kennel club registered and additionally to keep them safe and secure they will have 5 weeks pet insurance. The puppies will be weaned onto a raw food diet which is recommended for this breed and will start potty training before leaving.