Often people consider online purchases better than visiting a retailer’s shop. On the other hand, many people prefer going to a shop and purchasing software through an offline mode. The below-mentioned steps will help you to download the Microsoft Office easily and quickly. 

  1. Open any updated and secure web browser.
  2. Type office365.com/setup in the URL bar.
  3. You will direct on to the official page.
  4. Here you will see two options being displayed on the screen: Sign-in and sign-up.
  5. If you already have an existing account, you may simply sign in by using your Email Id and password. 
  6. If you are a new member, then you will have to provide the essential details.
  7. After successful login, you will see a prompt that will direct you on the Microsoft Office product key.
  8. Here you will have to enter the correct product key.
  9. After entering the product key, you will see the menu of all the available Microsoft Office products.
  10. Choose the application you wish to download.
  11. While choosing any product, make sure that you read the license and agreement thoroughly and carefully. 
  12. Also, make sure that your system meets all the specifications required by the software to function smoothly.
  13. The last step here will be to click on the download icon you see on the screen.
  14. Wait patiently for the download to complete.
  15. If you have purchased an offline mode, insert the Setup disk into the DVD/CD available inside the package.
  16. Now follow the instructions displayed on the screen.