Often people consider online purchases better than visiting a retailer’s shop. On the other hand, many people prefer going to a shop and purchasing software through an offline mode. The below-mentioned steps will help you to download the Microsoft Office easily and quickly.
- Open any updated and secure web browser.
- Type office365.com/setup in the URL bar.
- You will direct on to the official page.
- Here you will see two options being displayed on the screen: Sign-in and sign-up.
- If you already have an existing account, you may simply sign in by using your Email Id and password.
- If you are a new member, then you will have to provide the essential details.
- After successful login, you will see a prompt that will direct you on the Microsoft Office product key.
- Here you will have to enter the correct product key.
- After entering the product key, you will see the menu of all the available Microsoft Office products.
- Choose the application you wish to download.
- While choosing any product, make sure that you read the license and agreement thoroughly and carefully.
- Also, make sure that your system meets all the specifications required by the software to function smoothly.
- The last step here will be to click on the download icon you see on the screen.
- Wait patiently for the download to complete.
- If you have purchased an offline mode, insert the Setup disk into the DVD/CD available inside the package.
- Now follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
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