We are proud to announce our beautiful girl has had her 2nd litter of 7 puppies 4 girls 3 boys. Puppies are ready for their forever home . Puppies are being raised in our busy family home with mum and dad which are our family pets.
Mum is extremely loving, loyal, very clever and has a great temperament having been brought up around my children. Puppies are wormed, vet checked before they leave. our pups are never left alone and we put a lot of work into them so you receive a close to perfect beagle if thats possible.
our puppies are brought up in the family home so are very well socialised and mostly toilet trained pups will come with 1st vaccination,4 weeks free insurance with petplan,puppy pack with toys.purina proplan food with the option for discounted future food.
We do prefer them to be a family dog with children but welcome everyone and will consider everyones circumstances. Our dogs are fallowfield dialyne and charterwood..I always say our pups are the best because they receive the very best from birth.they are bred from top breeding lines in the UK dare I say the world.
deposit secures puppy of your choice
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